Metaverse Challenges & Awareness
Challenges & Awareness
Krishna Jadhav
Metaverse challenges: Issues you
need to be aware of
In the Metaverse world,
Krishna Jadhav suggests with the virtual reality there are much more
significant awareness required challenges it brings to the security aspects.
Identity and reputation
Regarding the actual world, the issue of
personal identity and representation is relatively simple. However, one can
ponder what constitutes an individual's identity while discussing virtual
worlds or the Metaverse (Chen and Cheng, 2022). And maybe, most
significantly, how to demonstrate your identity if a human impersonator or even
a machine tries to imitate you. Here, reputation may be crucial for
authentication and serve as evidence of the reliability and legitimacy of the
entity one deals with (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Metaverse
Park and Kim, 2022)
Information security
Data privacy and security have always been a
worry for consumers of any online environment, even though businesses and
organisations continue to innovate their IT security systems. When entering the
security procedures must advance to an entirely new level to keep up with the
Metaverse's constant expansion (Kraus et
al., 2022). Maintaining the safety of one's identity and property in the
virtual world will necessitate developing new techniques for protecting
personal data and privacy (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Scene rendering
for three-dimensional visual language navigation
Park and Kim, 2022)
Possession & Property
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are gaining traction
and generating headlines in 2021, bringing more investors and consumers to
digital assets and tokens (Popescu, 2021). The issue will be in building a
single system that may be used to authenticate the possessors of virtual goods
in the Metaverse, similar to how NFTs already represent real-world
things, awarding and verifying ownership rights for art, music, films, and much
Space and time
Comparing the actual world to a virtual
environment can reveal differences in how time is perceived since people often
become less conscious of their bodies when using virtual reality (Slater et al., 2020). Users may unknowingly
spend more time within the Metaverse due to complete immersion. Because of a
skewed sense of time, procedures that keep users in sync with the actual world
are crucial.
So, Krishna Jadhav thinks, The fundamental
difficulty is the ability to fake face characteristics, film, and voice;
therefore, new verification methods will be created shortly. That being said, conclusion
postulates here that, personal verification may progress to the point where
users are required to supply more personal information than is now required to
authenticate their identity and verify that the security system effectively
protects personal information. The idea of space is the second one to consider
in the Metaverse.
Want to know How and why are teens' lives
being negatively impacted by Metaverse? Proceed to the Next Article.
Chen, Y., and Cheng, H. (2022).
The economics of the Metaverse: A comparison with the real economy. Metaverse, 3(1),
Kraus, S., Kanbach, D. K., Krysta,
P. M., Steinhoff, M. M., and Tomini, N. (2022). Facebook and the creation of
the metaverse: radical business model innovation or incremental
transformation?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior
& Research.
Park, S. M., and Kim, Y. G.
(2022). A Metaverse: Taxonomy, components, applications, and open
challenges. Ieee Access, 10, 4209-4251.
Popescu, A. D. (2021).
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)–Innovation beyond the craze. In 5th
International Conference on Innovation in Business, Economics and Marketing
Slater, M., Gonzalez-Liencres, C.,
Haggard, P., Vinkers, C., Gregory-Clarke, R., Jelley, S., ... and Silver, J.
(2020). The ethics of realism in virtual and augmented reality. Frontiers
in Virtual Reality, 1, 1.
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